Work through this quiz and note down your responses to the questions. At the end you'll have the chance to convert your answers into points to see how well you scored.
1. What Do You Do With Your Hands While Speaking in Public?
A. Keep them perfectly still
B. Fidget
C. Gesture enthusiastically
D. Gesture naturally
2. How Do You Feel About Smiling?
A. I only smile when I’m happy
B. I only smile when I’m relaxed
C. I can force a smile when I’m nervous and that helps me to relax
D. I am confident and relaxed in front of an audience and smiling comes naturally
3. How Do You Remember What to Say in a Presentation?
A. Prompt cards with the main points for each topic
B. Everything is scripted word for word
C. Presentation slides have all the relevant information on them
D. Just try to memorise it all
4. Can You Control Your Nerves?
A. I go to pieces in front of an audience
B. I am relaxed as long as I have prepared carefully
C. I thrive on the excitement of flying by the seat of my pants
D. I get stage fright, but I’m okay once I get into it
5. What is Your Presentation Style?
A. I read from my script and rarely make eye contact with the audience
B. I talk naturally about my subject and interact with the audience where appropriate
C. I deliver the presentation as I have practiced it, but can’t handle interruptions from the audience
D. The material speaks for itself
6. How Do You Look When You Are Presenting to an Audience?
A. I tend to shake or sweat
B. I look nervous and my voice doesn’t sound natural
C. Even if I’m a bit worried, I don’t tend to let this show
D. I look nervous at first, but become more confident once I’ve got going
7. How Do You Keep Your Audience’s Attention?
A. I interact with the audience and vary the pace of my presentation
B. My material is interesting enough to keep people's attention regardless of how I present it
C. I stop talking once I think people are getting bored
D. I use sound effects and lots of different fonts and colours in my presentation materials
8. How Do You Use Humour in Your Presentations?
A. There is a joke on every slide. I want my audience to enjoy themselves
B. There is no humour at all. I want people to take me seriously
C. I use humour periodically to keep my audience relaxed and involved
D. I always start with a joke to get people’s attention
Award yourself points as follows.
Q1 A 1, B 0, C 0, D 2
Q2 A 0, B 0, C 1, D 2
Q3 A 2, B 0, C 0, D 0
Q4 A 0, B 2, C 1, D 1
Q5 A 0, B 2, C 1, D 0
Q6 A 0, B 0, C 2, D 1
Q7 A 2, B 0, C 0, D 0
Q8 A 0, B 0, C 2, D 1
0–7 You are not a natural public speaker, but everyone can learn to be more confident at it with practice.
8–11 You are a capable public speaker, but there is still room to improve your technique.
12–16 Congratulations! You are a great public speaker.
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I scored 14 I missed only number 3 ???? Congratulations to me. Thank you Alison
Mc Darella - 13-Feb-25 @ 7:19 PM
I scored 6. I am actually not a good public speaker, yet I would love to be confident and speak well without any fear or nervousness. Kindly guide me.
Esiii - 20-Nov-24 @ 11:17 AM
I scored 3point. And i am not good public speaker.But i want learn these things with wholeheartedly.Thanks for this quiz . it tought me what i need to learn.
Somu - 9-Nov-24 @ 2:05 AM
I scored 8
ROSASH - 30-Aug-24 @ 3:14 AM
I scored 11.
Shasha - 4-Aug-24 @ 10:28 AM
I want to become a public speakernd I got 7 . I can becomeI can
Jyo - 26-Jul-24 @ 11:57 AM
I scored 11. I know that I have potential of being a public speaker but I know that I still really need to learn a lot especially in giving impromptu speech.
Sarah - 24-Jul-24 @ 9:02 AM
ROSASH - 26-Jun-24 @ 1:41 AM
I scored 9, I believe there is room for improvement
Fabulous - 19-May-24 @ 2:50 AM
I scored 9. I believe there is room for improvement
Shemmy - 18-May-24 @ 4:03 PM
My score was 11 that indicates that I am a capable public speaker, but i now know what i need to do to improve.
Carli - 1-May-24 @ 11:41 AM
I had 9 points which means I am capable public speaker but I need to improve my techniques
Gifty - 20-Feb-24 @ 3:42 PM
I Scored 13 but i don't know weather Question 3 has a right choice. I Preferred to go C. Thank you
SUNDARAMSUBASH - 29-Jan-24 @ 4:42 AM
In not a natural public speaker, and I accept it..but everyone can learn to be more confident at it with learning ang practice,
Ringo - 18-Jan-24 @ 6:56 AM
I scored 6. This implies I'm not a natural public speaker but can learn to become better at it with practice.
P.A Duodu - 9-Nov-23 @ 8:57 AM
I got 10 ponts
Flo - 10-Aug-23 @ 12:27 PM
I got 11 points. So i am planning to improve and become a public speaker. Thank you 'The Managers Guide'.
Saravanan - 31-Jul-23 @ 7:43 AM
I have scored 10 I can be a good public speaker.
Papri Mukhopadhyay - 27-Jul-23 @ 1:16 PM
I scored 16 Congratulations to my self!
Shenshen - 14-Jun-23 @ 10:41 AM
I scored 14, however, I believe that there is still room for improvement.
N/A - 11-May-23 @ 1:54 PM
I scored 14
I want to learn more about public speaking
La duchesse - 27-Mar-23 @ 12:43 PM
I scored 13
sugi - 6-Feb-23 @ 4:24 AM
My Score is 14.
SHAHAJI DETHE - 31-Jan-23 @ 11:31 PM
My score is 6 . and I should practice more about it.
Babai - 22-Jan-23 @ 2:02 AM
My score is 9 . I realized that , l am a capable speaker
MS - 15-Jan-23 @ 7:04 AM
Very good nice knowledge provide. My score is 12.
Vpatel - 21-Oct-22 @ 11:33 AM
I've scored higher than I had expected coming in at 13 points. Been a while since Ive spoken publicly, not sure I would deliver like the score suggests!
Pilki - 5-Aug-22 @ 12:21 PM
I got 13 points, I may be good great public speaker but I still want to learn and understand more techniques in speaking skills.
hazard - 26-Aug-21 @ 9:13 AM
I've scored 11, i still need to learn more techniques.
Tsaki - 3-Jul-21 @ 11:19 AM
scored 11 points, a capable speaker but there is still lots of work to be done.
Esiii Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I scored 6. I am actually not a good public speaker, yet I would love to be confident and speak well without any fear or…
20 November 2024
Somu Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I scored 3point. And i am not good public speaker. But i want learn these things with wholeheartedly. Thanks for this…
Sarah Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I scored 11. I know that I have potential of being a public speaker but I know that I still really need to learn a lot…
Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I scored 14 I missed only number 3 ???? Congratulations to me. Thank you Alison
Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I scored 6. I am actually not a good public speaker, yet I would love to be confident and speak well without any fear or…
Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I scored 3point. And i am not good public speaker. But i want learn these things with wholeheartedly. Thanks for this…
Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I scored 8
Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I scored 11.
Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I want to become a public speaker nd I got 7 . I can become I can
Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I scored 11. I know that I have potential of being a public speaker but I know that I still really need to learn a lot…
Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I scored 9, I believe there is room for improvement
Re: Quiz: Are You a Good Public Speaker?
I scored 9. I believe there is room for improvement